We experienced another easy going session and two new faces (Paula Entin and Nancy Gamon) plus regulars. Paula is a quilter and has lived in Asheville for some time. Just before the pan-you-know-what, Paula had an art quilt show at the NC Arboretum. We started to discuss various ways that one can make cords from yarn including using a double point needle and we recalled the mushroom things that we as children used to make a tubular knitted rope.
Nancy was working on a project sewing small pieces of cloth to a mumu type of garment. The pieces of cloth had been created by various people, and here I get a little fuzzy and hope to ask Nancy to explain it again, but I believe workshop participants were expressing feelings using a word or two that they printed on the cloth. This one garment will hold them all. We thought back to the previous week to Judi Jetson's Virtual Studio tour where we saw her kimono that she made by printing reproductions of get well cards onto fabric and then sewing onto a background of red kimono fabric (see the previous blog!)
Later in the session, after we had lost one or two to dinnertime obligations, we started talking about beads and we had some fun with show and tell, one of our favorite highlights during the meetings. Leigh was able to pop out of the room and grab a beautiful beaded, knit kimono that she had made. Here are some pictures! She did a wonderful impromptu modeling of the sweater.

Fun facts (for some maybe!!):
- Paula and Susette went to the same high school in Wayland, MA.
- Nancy Gamon and Leigh Stewart just moved to the Asheville area
We talked what folks are doing in the rest of their lives, how their textile projects are coming along, and more that I am sure I cannot remember. See ya'll next week!
For those interested in the construction and more detailed pictures I include them below.