Eco-printing is a contact printing technique. Leaves are placed over mordanted fiber and rolled tight in a bundle. Next boiling or steaming the bundle transfers the tannins from within the leaves to the fiber. This is a one day class experimenting with iron, copper sulfate and titanium oxalate on protein fiber. Fabric provided will be soured and mordanted with Potassium aluminum sulfate prior to class. Two eco-printed bundles will be printed by each student. The first will be a test example of botanicals dipped in iron , copper, and titanium oxalate. The second print is guided by using the first bundles results on a 14”x72” silk crepe scarf.
Level: Beginners
Instructor: Denise Arcuri (Read Denise's bio)
Non-member: $120
Member: $100
Materials fee: $35 (to be collected day of class)
Materials provided by instructor: Mordants, two mordanted silk scarfs, written instruction
Materials to bring to class: Gloves (thin medical exam gloves) Apron, Plastic spray bottle with 50% vinegar and 50% water, 2 wooden dowels 1 1/4 to 1 1/2“ diameter by 15” length. (Lowe’s/ home depo will cut to size), Micron pen can be bought Walmart, Joanns, Staples ( needs to be water resistant) 3 old small kitchen towel sized rags Empty plastic gallon jug from water or vinegar (we will fill them with water to aid in making tight fabric bundles ) Some Leaves will be provided ,however bring some of your own to experiment and share.
LEAVES THAT PRINT WELL: Maple ,oak ,any hard wood tree leaves Fruit tree leaves Rose Marigold petals Smoke bush Coreopsis
Interested in applying for a scholarship? Apply here!
Learn about our COVID policy here: Workshop Policies
Physical Address:
408 Depot Street, #100 | Asheville, NC 28801
Mailing Address:
30 N. College Street | Weaverville, NC 28787
828.774.5134 |
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